SyncML and Horde

Horde is a groupware framework that combine a lot of PIM data. One of the major problem with PIM data is to get them synchronized among different device. One of the most used to do so is SyncML that allow the two-way synchronization of PIM. Horde embeds a SyncML interface ...

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SOCK proxy for any application (Flash)

Normally the plugins launch inside the web browser are using the proxy settings of the browser. However, the Flash plugin is not taking it into account, if it manage to find a direct Internet connexion. Therefore even your web browsing is going through the proxy all the connexion initiated inside ...

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LDAP authentication

How to add ldap authentication to Debian server. It suppose that a running ldap server is running and that the ldap tree is filled correctly with account informations.

libnss-ldapd installation

The client need the libnss-ldapd package that is a fork of the historical libnss-ldap for better efficiency

# apt-get install libnss-ldapd ...
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New server setup

Small process when we get a new installed with more eye-candy staff and security.

Core configuration

Locales configuration

To setup the appropates locales on the system: the one that will be available for the users.

# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Select the local according to the language you want and the different encodings ...

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po files handling

po files are used by programs to translate the messages in different languages. Thus they contain a list of all translatable strings extracted from the code and their corresponding translation, in a given language. Here are given some information to manipulate and few resources to help the translation, mainly derived ...

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Installation of a CAcert certificate for lighttpd

Here we will see how to set up a X.509 certificate signed by CAcert on lighttpd web server


[[!wikipedia Transport_Layer_Security]] best known as TLS/SSL is a cryptographic protocol use on Internet to encrypt communications. It using both asymmetric encryption for key exchange and symmetric encryption for ...

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Xerox Phaser 6010N on Debian 64bits

Xerox gives the drivers only for 32bits Linux boxes. The installation of the drivers under 64bits is not strait forward, therefore here is a small guide on how to install a Xerox Phaser 6010N on Debian Wheezy 64bits (amd64). It should work similarly on any Squeeze box.

For the inpatients ...

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Installation d'un serveur OpenVPN

Installation du serveur

# aptitude install openvpn

Génération des certificats et clés

Tout se passe dans le repertoire /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/ Pour s'y rendre:

# cd /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/

Ensuite il faut modifier les valeurs du fichier vars en accord avec ...

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