PHP activation for nginx

We will see how to let nginx execute PHP scripts and display their results instead of their content.

Configuration of PHP-FPM

Several possibility are available to execute PHP scripts Apache module, CGI, FastCGI and FPM. The later is an adaptation of the FastCGI version for heavy-loaded sites. It is the ...

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PHP activation for lighttpd

We will see how to let lighttpd execute PHP scripts and display their results instead of their content.

FastCGI configuration of PHP5

To execute PHP scripts, lighttpd can use the standardised interface CGI that is used by web servers. It is an interface that allow easily the exchange between a ...

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Jygraphe: Partage de gros fichiers personnel


Récupérer l'archive de Jyraphe et la décompresser

$ wget
$ tar xvzf jyraphe-0.3.tar.gz

En tant que super-utilisateur déplacer dans un répertoire accessible par le serveur et changement de droit pour être éditable par le serveur.

# mv jyraphe-0.3 ...
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