Deconnected subversion with SVK

Date Tags SVN / DVCS Lang fr

SVK installation

apt-get install svk

Create a local repository with the following command:

svk depotmap --init

Create a local repository mirror

svk mirror svn://adresse_du_depot_distant.ex //local/nom_local_du_depot
svk sync //local/nom_local_du_depot

Create a workingcopy from the local repository mirror:

svk checkout //local/nom_local_du_depot repertoire

Local use of SVK

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po regex

Some notes to be able to construct a small program able to apply a regex to translated string of a po file

Will be done certainly in python:

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Redirecting sderr to a pipe

Date Tags pipe / bash

Programs are sending message on two different steam of data: standard output and standard error. Standard output, notes as stdout, is where the program is writing the output data. Standard error or stderr is to output the error messages or diagnostics. With this two stream we can therefore separate between ...

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po files handling

po files are used by programs to translate the messages in different languages. Thus they contain a list of all translatable strings extracted from the code and their corresponding translation, in a given language. Here are given some information to manipulate and few resources to help the translation, mainly derived ...

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Perl and UTF-8

Like with python, the handling of [[!wikipedia UTF-8]] string in perl is not straight forward since this language was not originally design to handle Unicode strings of characters.

Correct length of UTF-8 string

[[!wikipedia ASCII]] characters are coded on 8bits that is on one octet. That explain the limited number ...

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Preventing multiple executions of a Makefile

Often the automatic builds are controlled by the make tools using the rules defined in so named Makefile. make is very nice since it allow a smooth control of the build with a direct link with dependencies. Therefore only what is need to be build is built. A rule is ...

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