LanguageTool is an Open Source style and grammar proofreading software. It is a good complement to the spell checking program already in use in a lot of software.

It is written in Java and aimed to be integrated easily in as a plugin. But it can also be used as a stand-alone GUI application, embedded in other Java applications or as a server service.

It exists also a command line interface that can be integrated as a tool inside Vim.

LanguageTool installation

First of all download the last version of LanguageTool form its website. It is under the form of a plugin, so with an .oxt extension. In fact it is a zip archive and for installing it you need to unzip it in the folder of your choice. In our example we will install it in ~/lib/LanguageTool directory.

$ mkdir -p ~/lib/LanguageTool
$ mv LanguageTool-1.7.oxt ~/lib/LanguageTool/
$ cd ~/lib/LanguageTool
$ unzip LanguageTool-1.7.oxt

To be able to run it you will need the version 6 of Java. Therefore if you do not already have it just install it:

# apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

Installation of the Vim binding

Thanks to Dominique Pellé a Vim plugin exist to be able to run LanguageTool from within Vim.

Download the last version from its description page and install it on your .vim directory:

$ mkdir -p ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim
$ unzip /path-to/
$ vim -c 'helptags ~/.vim/doc'

Then you need to define the path to LanguageTool.jar inside your .vimrc:

let g:languagetool_jar=$HOME . '/lib/LanguageTool/LanguageTool.jar'

Use of LanguageTool inside Vim

You need to specify the language of your text inside Vim with command spelllang. For example to set the language to French enter :set spelllang=fr.

To run LanguageTool on the current buffer just run :LanguageToolCheck. If you use the example text of LanguageTool:

Paste your own text here... or check this text too see a few of the problems
that that LanguageTool can detect. Did you notice that their is no spelcheckin

Which should give you an output like this:

# java -jar /home/tblein/lib/LanguageTool/LanguageTool.jar -c utf-8 -d WHITESPACE_RULE,EN_QUOTES -l en --api /tmp/vtjmKYQ/3

Error:      1/2 (TOO_TO:1) @ 1L 48C
Message:    Did you mean 'to see'?
Context:    ...ste your own text here... or check this text too see a few of the problems that that LanguageTool...
Correction: to see

Error:      2/2 (THEIR_IS:1) @ 2L 21C
Message:    Did you mean 'there'?
Context:    ...LanguageTool can detect. Did you notice that their is no spelcheckin included?
Correction: there