PHP activation for nginx

We will see how to let nginx execute PHP scripts and display their results instead of their content.

Configuration of PHP-FPM

Several possibility are available to execute PHP scripts Apache module, CGI, FastCGI and FPM. The later is an adaptation of the FastCGI version for heavy-loaded sites. It is the ...

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Nginx as a proxy

We will see how to setup Nginx as a proxy to other web server. I used this configuration while transiting from lighttpd to Nginx. After installing Nginx I setup it to redirect all the web traffic to the lighttpd serrver. The aimed is to switch gradually from Nginx to lighttpd ...

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Gitlab-runner installation

Install gitlab-ci-multi-runner

Add gitlab-runner user to docker group:

# gpasswd -a gitlab-runner docker

Restart Docker service:

# service docker restart

Create a runner

Register a runner

# gitlab-runner register

Put the ...

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Easy firewall with ferm

It is a simplify interface to iptable, it allow therefore to configure the firewall with rules easier to read than iptable ones.


# apt install ferm


The configuration takes place in the /etc/ferm/ferm.conf file. By default, only port 22 is open allowing SSH connexions:

proto tcp ...
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Executing a command at login

Under Linux, the connexion is handle by the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) authentication system. As is name said it, the functionality are spread in different modules like authentication backend (like LDAP, NSS) or action to do at connexion (like folder mounting).


The pam_exec module allows to execute an arbitrary ...

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LDAP authentication for lighttpd

Like a lot of web server, lighttpd can directly protect the access at certain pages or full folders by a password. This password protection is independent of web application that is protected like this. It's append before any access to the web pages and therefore of the application. The ...

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